Pharmacy First: Quick Help for Everyday Health Problems
Pharmacy First: Your local pharmacist can help with common illnesses. You don’t need an appointment or to see a doctor first.
Pharmacy First: Your local pharmacist can help with common illnesses. You don’t need an appointment or to see a doctor first.
New Specialist Clinic for Children with Wheezes We have recently started a new clinic for children and young people with wheezes. Our network Advanced Paediatric Nurse Practitioner, Catherine Leonard, will have regular Tuesday morning appointments for patients at and the other 6 GP practices in Gosforth and Jesmond. Catherine is part of our Same Day … Continued
Skills for People – May Group Dates Skills for People is a registered charity working with disabled people, their families and people with autism since 1983. They support people across the North East to have the same chances, choices and rights as everyone else. Inclusion and fairness allow people to live good, healthy and meaningful … Continued
Do you know what to do when you are unwell? It’s not always easy to know what to do when we are unwell. We’ve put together a video guide and interactive decision tree to show that by answering some simple questions, you can get to the help you need quickly. Watch the video guide, try … Continued
How do Paramedics fit into General Practice? Many of us would associate the word Paramedic with emergencies, people being treated at the scene of an accident or rushed to hospital to a background of ambulance sirens and flashing lights. So, it may initially seem a little odd if your GP practice arranges an appointment with … Continued
Further Updated Practice Statement: Medical Records Over the last month, there have been several changes and updates to NHS England’s plan to change how patients can access their medical records. It centres around a proposed change to automatically give all patients full access to their prospective (or future) medical records. This change was due to … Continued
How PCNs work with GP practices to benefit patients When the NHS introduced Primary Care Networks in 2019, part of their aim was to keep our GP practices at the heart of primary care. The PCN system has provided flexibility for practices to shape the care and services they offer to meet their patients’ specific, … Continued